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Mega Systems Technologies, Inc.

Company Profile
Mega System Technologies Inc ("MegaTec") was incorporated in 1989 Taipei, Taiwan. It's main focus then was to develop a series of software to monitor and control Unlimited Power Supply ("UPS") modules. These are to be based on MegaTec RS232 protocol. With aggressive marketing and price structure, MegaTec was able to command the lion share of the UPS software market. MegaTec RS233 protocol soon became the standard communication protocol among worldwide UPS makers.

MegaTec continued it's R&D efforts and UPS manufacturers began to take a liking to our software. These well-known software are now being used to monitor and protect millions of computer data around the world from damaged caused by an unexpected power events.

The most notable products includes;

RUPS - phased out
RUPS II - phased out
RUPS 2000
UPSilon 2000
SNMP Agent
RUPS for UNIX, and
UPSilion for UNIX

These products can be easily integrated into MS-DOS, MS-WINDOWS, Novell, Linux and other UNIX operating systems. As a result, the product gained popularity and made a name for itself.

NetAgent II, was the next-generation product designed to be compliant with ***/IP, UDP, SNMP, TELNET, HTTP and SMTP protocols. Thus, it allows equipment date to be transmitted across LAN / WAN networks or directly via a modem dial-up enabling real-time status report anytime anywhere. This gives the user a prompt and up-to-date information about their systems readiness.

NetAgent II application is not only over UPS but also apparatus, chemical, mechanical, electrical, environment measurements, and etc. which require communication across a network. This gives it a far-reaching capabilities and fills a niche market when it comes to customer demand for remote real-time monitoring and information access.

By mid 2003 MegaTec began venturing into Camera Servers. This is in fact not a radical move for MegaTec as all the technology and know-how associated with the development of such a device is already

Contact Us
Company: Mega Systems Technologies, Inc.
Contact: Ms. Liang Ruijie
Address: No.8 F1 Huangzhou industrial park
Tel: 020-38602476
Fax: 020-38602476

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